
EcoReadyBath delivers on carbon footprint reduction strategy

At EcoReadyBath, sustainability is not just a goal—it’s a conscious choice that drives every aspect of our operations. In 2023, we made significant strides in reducing our carbon footprint, reaffirming our unwavering commitment to a greener, more sustainable future for our industry, communities, and planet.

Key Achievements:
Total Emissions: We are proud to announce that we reduced our total emissions by 13.33% compared to 2022. This significant reduction reflects our comprehensive approach to minimising our environmental impact across all business areas, from materials sourcing to production processes and energy consumption.

Emissions per employee: We achieved a 20.19% reduction in emissions per employee, demonstrating our commitment to increasing operational efficiency and promoting sustainable practices at every level of our organisation. This metric highlights our focus on ensuring that each team member contributes to our sustainability goals.

Scope 1 Emissions: We saw a substantial reduction of 36.16% in Scope 1 emissions, which include all direct emissions from our owned or controlled sources. This achievement directly results from our ongoing efforts to optimise energy use, transition to cleaner fuels, and implement innovative technologies that lower our carbon footprint.

Scope 2 Emissions: Although we experienced a 23.42% increase in Scope 2 emissions, which cover indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, heat, and cooling, this underscores the complexity of managing energy efficiency in a growing operation. The increase is primarily due to our expanded operations and increased energy demand. We recognise the need for continued focus on sourcing renewable energy and improving energy management practices to mitigate this increase.

Our Commitment:
We are dedicated to our mission of reducing our carbon footprint by 25% within five years, setting a new standard for sustainability in the construction industry. This commitment benefits the environment and enhances the long-term value we provide to our clients, partners, and stakeholders.

How we plan to achieve our goal:
Eco-friendly materials: To minimise environmental impact, we will prioritise low-carbon, biodegradable, and recyclable materials in all our projects. This includes sourcing materials sustainably and using products that contribute to healthier, more sustainable buildings.

Effective waste management: We are enhancing our waste segregation and recycling programs, optimising production processes to reduce waste, and collaborating with local waste processing companies. These efforts ensure we minimise our environmental footprint at every stage of our operations.

Production optimisation: We are investing in energy-efficient machinery and implementing the ISO 50001 energy management system, a globally recognised standard for energy management, to optimise energy use and reduce consumption. By refining our production processes, we are reducing our carbon emissions and improving our operational efficiency.

Sustainable transportation and logistics: We reduce transportation-related emissions by optimising delivery routes, using low CO2 emission transport, and streamlining logistics. This approach minimises the environmental impact of our supply chain and supports our broader sustainability objectives.

Sustainable development initiatives: We will continue investing in environmental projects and promoting sustainable practices among our contractors to create a more eco-conscious value chain. We drive positive change throughout the industry by fostering partnerships that share our commitment to sustainability.

By partnering with EcoReadyBath, you join us on this journey towards a more sustainable future. Together, we can achieve great things while positively impacting the world.

We sincerely thank our employees for their unwavering support of our mission. Together, we are building a more sustainable future.